Celeste Cabriolet Petals Hand-fan

Couture Hand-fan, Cabriolet Shape, Lurex and Organza, Ebony frame

Handmade in France

Upon order

Price request

The « Cabriolet » shape is a classic of the French Hand-fan tradition. The distinctive feature of this shape is the aperture cut parallel to the Grand Tour (top of the leaf) and to the Petit Tour (bottom of the leaf).
In the contemporary version created by the Maison Duvelleroy, this aperture becomes more playful and changes position to become asymmetrical. Organza petals add to the lightness of the object.

Know How

The craftsman hand cuts the silk lurex leaf in one gesture to create the aperture distinctive of the cabriolet shape. He then inlays the organza petals in each “contre pli” of the lurex leaf.


African ebony shaped by a tabletier maker in Spain. Silk and Lurex.

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