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Web development & Artistic Direction: Bonjour Paris Photographies of our collections by: Grégory Finck, Adeline Monnier, Guillaume Roujas, Maud Bernos Photographies of the Duvelleroy Archives: Vasilisa Ganakova, Fonds Duvelleroy Portrait by: Maud Bernos Language of the fan drawing by: Astrid de la Chapelle
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann BP 80157 59053 Roubaix cedex 1 France,
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In the event of a possible dispute, you can seize the mediator of the consumption in order to consider an amicable resolution: Philippe Trémain, Judicial Mediator at the Court of Appeal of Paris, Port: 06 63 18 66 33, 12 square Desnouettes 75015 Paris For any dispute relating specifically to online sales, you can visit the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (RLL):
To better welcome you, Duvelleroy’s boutique is getting a refresh and will be closed from
September 9th to November 15th, 2024.
During this time, you can still place orders on our website and choose between home delivery or our click and collect service, available just across from the boutique at