Black See-through Hand-fan


Prêt-à-porter hand-fan, Perforated cotton, Sycamore wood frame

Hand-made in Spain

Stick length 9 inches

83 in stock


Modern interpretation of the « Madame sans gêne » - hand-fans made to see without being seen – this creation by Sinan Sigic plays with light and shadow. Atelier Hapax is the home of talented Sinan Sigic, a designer and artist who loves to do everything - from the drawing to the mock-up - by himself. He created window displays for the most famous French Maisons, invented objects in leather and paper and fell in love with hand-fans when he discovered Duvelleroy.

Know How

Painted sycamore wood sticks. Perforated cotton cloth, stiffened, hand-pleated and assembled to the frame.

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